unconventional hope
I was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
I was told I'd never walk again.
I took my first steps on my own.
5 years
10 months
25 days
5.5 hours
mind. body. soul.
We reach a point where traditional means or textbook answers can't help us with what life throws at us.
Embrace who you are. Your story. And its powerful ability to bring others together.

THIS is unconventional hope.
Samantha Horwitz
Retired Secret Service | Co-host - MAD Radio | President - A Badge of Honor
Trent has the heart of a lion. He is a dedicated warrior who does not know the word "Quit." While his tribe is small on purpose, his outreach is huge. He wears his heart on his sleeve and is undaunted in his relentless pursuit of justice for those who do not have a voice. Those closest to Trent have witnessed his deepest, darkest moments. I am inspired every time I think about what he has overcome and the path he has taken to heal. I wish the world was made up of more people like Trent.
Pam Barragan
Founder, 2200TAPS
As I continue to watch Trent fight the good fight to do whatever it takes to bring awareness to mental health and suicide prevention, I am in constant awe of his determination. I personally had my own jaw dropping at moments when I invited him on my 2200TAPS Podcast as a guest. Prior to the pressing record, I asked him what all he wanted to really hit on and he was 100% willing to talk about all the events that affected him that molded him into the man he is today.
We took it a story at a time and as hard as it was to hear, I was beyond blessed to know that this man trusted me and the mission of 2200TAPS to feel safe enough to just go there. Our show is not like many out there, which is why I created it. It has organically evolved into something very special to say the least.
I am honored to have guests, such as Trent, who are not only able to have healthy conversations around hard topics, but who are willing to look in the mirror and hold themselves accountable to become the best version of themselves. Trent is a rockstar and a man who you definitely want in your corner.
Kelly Wisniewski
Program Director, Chive Charities
If there's one thing Trent's learned in his life, it's persistence over all. This condition isn't a tornado, but a slowly burning fire that wreaks havoc on his nerves and can result in permanent nerve damage. While he was physically weak, Trent stayed internally strong. He wasn't giving up without a fight.
His daughter had just one wish for the new year of 2016, and it ignited the flame that Trent needed to heal: she wanted her daddy to feel better. Two days later, something miraculous happened. Trent began to get feeling back in his hips.
When doctors told him to accept his fate after having suffered two embolisms, he told them "you're fired."
He decided he was ready to take on a huge challenge: Ironman. So he trained. And he ran that race as an Adaptive Athlete and he finished it.

your story has impact.
share hope and inspire others.
get in touch
Are you ready to ignite HOPE in your life and become a catalyst for even greater things?
Shoot me a message below or send an email to TriHOPE2023@gmail.com
I believe in you.
let's cross the finish line together.